After (generally) cleaning up the garbage I eat and six steady months back at it at the gym, I tried on my leather jacket from my 20s and it will be ready for the rotation again when called into service and I'm confident I can STILL rock the fuck out of that shit.

Secondly, I used to visit this wolf sanctuary in Washington when I lived out that way. It's beautiful.


You've read me jabber about Wolf – Ma'iingan – enough via my own newsletter. Suffice to say, they are a big deal to me. I'm happy you guys made it out there.

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I am absolutely, 100% certain you could rock that leather jacket at any age. Also, good for you. Also, I think I could rock my own studded leather jacket now and I'm rather sorry we gave it away/lost it.

That wolf sanctuary looks amazing, I'll put it on my list of places to visit when I'm out west.

And I look forward to hearing you jabber in person, hopefully this summer. They're definitely a big deal.

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This was was wonderful to read, I was with you and didn't know you wanted a wolf! You know I wanted a fox. Then I learned that they smell funky and sound like squabbling chihuahuas! I follow a few fox rescues, including one that I visited 25 years ago in Minnesota, where I learned that they are cute and slinky but not at all dignified. If a fox LIKES you, it will climb on your head. And they pee everywhere like little excited dogs. So I let the rescuers keep them and I throw a few bucks to help, and to thank them for showing me that I didn't really want a pet fox.

Now, pet skunks are more manageable...

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OMG, a pet skunk! Like Pepe Le Pew! We were having this conversation, weren't we, about Monsieur Pepe? I still think he's adorable with his little bunch of flowers.

And the fox ... well, I agree that peeing everywhere isn't ideal. But can you imagine walking everywhere with a fox on your head? Remind me to tell you the one about the first time I went to a bar ... actually, that would make a good WanderFinder. :)

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I follow a few pet skunks and foxes on social, that's enough for me!

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Very nice reflections. I always wanted a big cat of some kind! I have two small dogs and a tabby cat now, not exactly the same energy but I enjoy their company :)

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I've always wanted a Pallas' cat -- one of those desert cats that look so grumpy. :) Of course we shouldn't have them but they do look like so much fun. I was also looking at visiting this sanctuary at some point that takes in big cats that people have tried to keep as pets (and then of course couldn't handle): https://carolinatigerrescue.org/tours/.

Your two dogs and tabby cat sound lovely! My kitty passed away last year and I'm just now starting to look again. Honestly, pets are wonderful but even an actual house cat takes a fair bit of work, particularly at the end of their life (depending on what happens I guess). I can't imagine what people are thinking when they take on a tiger.

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Sorry to hear about your cat :( We're lucky to live with people who look after the cat when we go away (the dogs come with, usually) which makes life a little easier. But yes - they are definitely work as well as good company!

I'd never heard of a Pallas cat before. They do look very cool. My sister has a bengal cat (or at least, a cat with some bengal in in the mix), pretty suited to house life but it talks a lot and vey loudly!

I'm reading The Puma Years by Laura Coleman at the moment, about her experiences at an animal sanctuary in Bolivia, and it keeps brining me to tears.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023Liked by WanderFinder

“A wolf is not a motorcycle or a leather jacket.” I spent the day reading a very good book of nonfiction but this is the best sentence I’ve read in days 🏆

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Thank you so much, that's so kind of you. You saying this has stayed with me for days and really made a difference for me. Hope you're having a lovely day.

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I’m so glad and I meant it. I really love your writing. 🫶🏽

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