Amusing and wise comparison of "The Look" from a therapist and the stupidity of the teacher with the warmth you felt (and still do) from the animal world!

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Thanks, Mom! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

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Teachers can be incredibly cruel, and I had a few. Before phones, we had one who screamed at us and terrified us, and made me flee computer club crying when I was thirteen. I'm sorry that teacher tormented you. I bet your seal friend was as friendly as this one:


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Oh my goodness, that video is *the dream *. (Even though according to one commenter itโ€™s probably a once-injured-now-rehabilitated-seal who was released & can hunt & survive in the wild just fine but still is probably a bit too friendly with humans.) Still ... *the dream*! Thank you!!!!

And given your story, Iโ€™m so surprised you ended up in tech! Youโ€™re a tough mother plucker, Pluck, just like me & my lilโ€™ baby seal.

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