Jan 28Liked by WanderFinder

The sound is snow is non-sound. The way snow muffles everything is one of my favorite things about it. It is a blanket of peace.

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Jan 29Liked by WanderFinder

…the listener, who listens in the snow,

And, nothing himself, beholds

Nothing that is not there, and the nothing that is.

~Wallace Stevens, “The Snow Man”

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Intriguing thoughts about our human senses. Why are they so limited in one area and not the other?

Is there a word for being 'smell' blinded? I think that's what I have. Should I return the perfume samples?

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Jan 28Liked by WanderFinder

Fellow Louisiana also over snow! 😂

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Jan 28Liked by WanderFinder

Love this and the photos! I get frustrated because I don’t have words to describe the “after-the-rain smell” I grew up with in NM. I have never smelled that smell after it rains where I live now. I always loved walking outside after it rained in Albuquerque because there was that incredible smell - the smell I can’t explain to you writing this and it’s so frustrating!

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