Jul 31, 2022Liked by WanderFinder

Lovely, Hannah, You don't have to make that horrile 20 something hour flight to the wilds of another continent, over even carbon footprint across to 'where the skies are not cloudy all day.

A 'Wanderer' in Connecticut.

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by WanderFinder

That was a joy to read and read again. Thank you.

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Absolutely loved this! :-D

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You are much more adventurous than I, and you seem to need to be in these spaces. I get it, for a while (until I got stuck in that mud!) I felt that any weekend I wasn’t gallivanting into the Pine Barrens was a wasted one. I remember one time I hiked to a high bluff in the Wyanokies, small rocky mounts in the north of NJ, and I felt like I had triumphed and found something few knew. And then a retiree silently appeared behind me, with a cloth map of the trails, and we talked about how he’d hiked all the Presidents in New England. And I realized I have always felt like an alien exploring within human consciousness; it was new to me, and that was enough.

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I love the image of you wedging yourself in and out of these spaces. We need to do more of this, don't we? But it's also important to remember the First Rule of Animal Spaces: remember, you are an animal too! I've been too safe in my Wanderfinding lately; I need to get out in the grubby, and soon.

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