Welcome to WanderFinder’s Newsletter by me, the WanderFinder. For those with wandering thoughts, wander here.
This is a place for people who have tipped over a rock & caught a centipede by surprise or who have noticed the birds disappearing, one species after another, as the morning dew turns frosty. It turns out I have a lot of these thoughts, and this is a place for me to collect some of them.
You might have a lot of these thoughts too and if so, I’d love to hear from you at info@wanderfinder.com. :)
I’ll be writing a weekly-ish post on safaris, nature walks about town, and other ramblings about rambles.
I’ll also send out a weekly-ish post of the nature-related upcoming events, news stories, and, of course, wildlife pictures (squee!) that I love and that I’m always running across. I’ll try to send these out near the end of the week to start your weekends off on a joyful note.
Come, join me, let’s visit our wild hearts together.
In the meantime, tell your friends!