Big Birding Day Tomorrow
I’m headed down to Blacksburg due to a family health emergency but will try to write a bit more tomorrow. Still, I wanted to let y’all know that tomorrow is “October Big Day” — the day where, if you see a bird, you should say something about that bird. Specifically, you should report the bird to eBird.
I know, it sounds a little like “birds aren’t real” — the supposedly spoof conspiracy theory movement that maybe isn’t spoof and that maybe really does believe that all birds are drones? — but no, this one is actually for science, good science, the one without tinfoil hats, so that they can get a general sense of what birds there are in the world and where and what kind. Helpful!
So, tomorrow, you don’t have to do anything special, but if you happen to see a bird, whatever bird, from midnight to midnight in your timezone, take a moment to record it on eBird. Stats on the day’s sightings will be uploaded in real time on the October Big Day page, which is kinda cool.
Enjoy the Big Day!